Ano: 1933
Duração: 60 mins
Descrição: The film emphasises the pre-war uniqueness of Britain, rich, insular, with a strong trading position and a free democracy united under the constitutional monarchy. The only pre-war violence comes in the Sidney Street siege, and perhaps from the suffragettes. Empire building creates some resentment, but is nevertheless beneficial. Only Ireland is unstable. The war is unexpected, but the decision to enter it receives great popular support. Politicians of all parties, labour leaders, and even the leaders of the Irish revolt unite to encourage men to enlist. The Empire too unites behind Britain. It is "an unsatisfactory war", principally of endurance, with determination and industrial strength counting for more than generalship. The mass participation of women leads to their achieving the franchise. Despite the loss of "over a million dead" on the Western Front, and the air raids, the nation remains united under the monarchy. After the Armistice Britain resumes its pastimes and even Ireland finds peace. But the new Labour government, despite its successful foreign policy, cannot cope with growing unemployment. In the General Strike the TUC insists that it has no revolutionary intent and the whole affair passes off amicably enough. Britain begins to show progress again in industry, particularly in the air, a major legacy of the war. But the slump of 1930, a consequence of the war, produces massed unemployment and a major political crisis, resulting in the forming of the National Government. British politicians and people, however, solve their differences with "doggedness, good humour and common sense" in contrast to the violence of other nations, and it is these qualities, rather than any political action, which will help the next generation to grow up in peace under "a monarchy which manifests the value of tradition as an element in progress".
A Conservative Party assessment of British social and political history from 1901 to 1933.
Palavras-chave: EFG1914 / World War I / Chamberlain, Joseph / Edward VII, King / Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany / Asquith, Herbert Henry / George V, King / Connaught [George] (HRH Duke of) / George VI, King / Edward, Prince (Duke of Windsor) / Alexandra, Queen / Pankhurst, Emmeline / Croute, Edward / Grey, Edward / Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer / Jellicoe, John Rushworth / Beatty, David Richard / French, John Denton Pinkstone / Kitchener, Horatio Herbert / Robey, George / Law, Andrew Bonar / Crooks, Will / Carson, Edward Henry / Redmond, John Edward / Lloyd, Marie / Lloyd George, David / Henderson, Arthur / Runciman, Walter (Viscount) / Haig, Douglas / Wilson, Woodrow / Alcock, John William / Brown, Arthur Whitten / Ross-Smith (Captain) / Byng, Julian Hedworth George / Horne, Henry Sinclair / Wilson, Henry Hughes / Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow / De Valera, Eamon / Griffith, Arthur / Cosgrave, William T / Chamberlain, Joseph Austen / Stresemann, Gustav / Briand, Aristide / MacDonald, James Ramsay / Clynes, J R / Cook, A J / Baldwin, Stanley / Snowden, Philip / Sankey, John (Viscount) / Thomas, J H / Samuel, Herbert Louis / Swinton, Philip (Viscount) / Isaacs, Rufus Daniel / Hoare, Samuel John Gurney / Chamberlain, Neville / Dollfuss, Engelbert / British Army / Royal Navy / World War, 1914-1918 -- Naval operations, British / British Army, Scots Guards / Ulster Defence Force / Irish Republican Army / German Army / Canadian Army, Canadian Expeditionary Force / South African Army, South African Bde / Australian Army, Australian Imperial Force / New Zealand Military Forces, New Zealand Div / British Army, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps1 / British Army, Irish Guards / Labour Party / Conservative Party / Liberal Party / Trades Union Congress / Suffragettes / Women's Social and Political Union / Police Force / League of Nations, India / Oxford University / Cambridge University / society, British - domestic: [+] / society, British - history / recreation, British civilian - sport: cricket / recreation, Australian civilian - sport: cricket / recreation, British civilian - sport: boat race / recreation, British civilian - casual / industry, British - primary / industry, British - clothing / industry, British - ships / buildings, British - institutional: Houses of Parliament / ceremonies, British - state: opening of Parliament / ceremonies, British - state: coronation / engineering, civil, British / politics, British - institutional / politics, British - alternative / ships, German naval - battleship: Bremen Class / ships, German naval - battleship: Blucher / ships, German naval - battleship: Wittelbach Class / ceremonies, British - state: funeral / law and order, British - use of troops / law and order, British - enforcement / transport, British civilian - rail / operations, British military - movement: ship / aircraft, British - combat: Royal Aircraft Establishment RE7 / aircraft, British - combat: Royal Aircraft Establishment FE2d / aircraft, French - early: Bleriot IX & [British] / recruitment, British military / buildings, British - commercial: bank / industry, British - munitions / industry, British - general / aircraft, German - airship: Zeppelin LZ10 (Schwaben) / destruction, British military - area: air raid / combat [simulated], German naval - submarine / equipment, British naval - surveillance: hydrophone / weapons, British naval - depth charge / defences, British - emplacement / combat [simulated], British / casualties, British wounded - battlefield / casualties, British wounded - long term / casualties, British graves - formal / aircraft, British - combat: Handley Page 0/1500 / aircraft, British naval - airship: R34 / ceremonies, British - event-related: funeral (the Unknown Warrior) / recreation, British civilian - sport: horse race / recreation, British civilian - sport: football / politics, international - establishment / transport, British civilian - bus / aircraft, British - seaplane: Supermarine S6B / transport, British civilian - sporting: Bluebird (car) / transport, British civilian - sporting: Bluebird (boat) / ships, British civilian - passenger: Mauritania / economics, British general - commerce / economics, British general - industrial relations / aircraft, British - light civilian: De Havilland Tiger Moth / law and order, German - use of troops / law and order, United States - enforcement / law and order, French - enforcement / law and order, Italian - enforcement / agriculture, British - arable / agriculture, British - animal / animals, mammals: horse / animals, mammals: pig / animals, mammals: cow / buildings, British - residential / buildings, British - institutional: law courts / buildings, British - commercial: railway station / 01/2(68).0 / 31/3(41) / 01/3(4-15) / 12/3(261) / First World War, Armistice & 11/1918 / Treaty of Versailles, Signing of & 1919 / 08/3(415) / 08/4(415) / 31/4(415) [1926 General Strike] / Locarno Pact, Signing of & 1925 / 31/4(415) [1931 General Election] / GB, England / GB, England & Dover, Kent
/ Lancashire, England, UK / Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK / GB, England & London, E / GB, England & London, E / GB, England & London, E / GB, England & London, EC / GB, England & London, SW / GB, England & London, SW / GB, England & London, SW / GB, England & London, SW / GB, England & London, SW / GB, England & London, W / GB, England & London, W / GB, England & London, WC / France / World War, 1914-1918 -- France / Paris, Département de Ville de Paris, France / Germany & Kiel Canal / GB, England & Windsor, Berks / GB, Ireland & Belfast, Co Antrim / GB, Ireland & Dublin, Co Dublin / GB, Ireland & Dublin, Co Dublin / Ireland / Henley, Oxfordshire, England, UK / Montreal, Quebec, Canada / GB, England & London, N / GB, Scotland & Glasgow, Lanark / Epsom, Surrey, England, UK / class & [+] / sex / Age / Children / Children and war / Deprivation / Calm / propaganda, British -
Fornecedor: Imperial War Museums
Direitos: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Companhia produtora: Associated British Film Distributors
Cor: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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